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How to Overcome a Creative Block When Writing a Ph.D. Thesis

How to Overcome a Creative Block When Writing a Ph.D. Thesis


The dissertation is a scientific work that requires from many people both incredible moral and overwhelming physical efforts. This hell continues at all stages. Starting with the choice of topics and ending with the defense of the study. At the same time, the process will be the most difficult if you perceive such work as a burden. You should not think about it from a terrible point of view, and then you can easily do it in one breath. In this article, you can read about a few secrets on how to overcome a creative block when writing a PhD thesis.


Secrets of selection of applications and list of references


The secrets used to write applications and a list of references used are an equally important point that should be learned not least.

  • For example, it should be understood that the application is designed simultaneously with the main work, since the practical part should have a relationship with tables and other graphic elements. You must refer to certain points from the applications in the course of the work. This approach will be needed so that you do not forget about this or that element.
  • In the bibliography, you should only use certain sources that will be used as a reference for the text in the work.
  • Having issued a list of references, you need to ensure that each position is on the bibliographic side, which correspond to the requirements.
  • In addition, in the list of references, it is imperative to use scientific sources both in English and in a foreign language.


Conclusion: how to finish your research?


Loss of any interest in continuing to write a dissertation, as well as a strong desire to completely quit this business, is considered one of the most common problems for those who wish to acquire new knowledge, as well as move up in a scientific career. In order to pull myself together again and continue working on your material, you need some time. The fundamental point is not to bring yourself to a critical state and perk up your spirit. In addition, project leaders can help you continue writing your work if you need it.


Do not put off choosing a topic, as well as writing a paper on the back burner. Many get lost doing work at the last moment, and some end up on “psychological tilt”. It is for this reason that many students take an extra year to finalize their work and turn it in as expected. In addition, consider that you need time to conduct independent research, which are certain points in the preparation of your work. You need to understand what your scientific work represents as a result and how its structure will look like.


Think about how it is more rational to start writing a dissertation. Another important point is the choice of method for performing the work. You can use a synthetic or analytical method. In the first case, are talking about the presentation of thoughts in certain fragments, which are put in by a graduate student, finding similar ideas, comparing them with each other. Another method is based on drawing up a diagram. The main part contains the topic of your future research, from which there are arrows with key points at the time of their implementation.


More resources:
How to Write a Concept
Improvement of Research in the Article
Article Structure
What Is Research in Scientific Work
Top Tips for Better Research